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Thursday, June 1, 2023

Nerdy Babies: Weather, by Emmy Kastner


Audio  About 6m

My timing was perfect as raindrops from those "fluffy things", as the child narrator called clouds at one point, started falling as I listened. I really liked the sound effects on this one, particularly the sound of thunder and lightning that the child imitated. Having a child participate in the narrations is a wonderful idea and most definitely should make it easier for children to relate. There are a few big words but given the role weather plays in our lives nowadays, I'm guessing they're words most children have heard most.

Some clever word play, too. For instance, the adult narrator talks about wind socks as a tool and the child basically wonders, "The wind has socks?" I didn't note the exact phrasing but it was perfect. Exactly the sort of thing a young, curious child might ask. The adult narrator has a playful, occasionally matter-of-fact tone that, combined with fun sound effects and effective timing, make this a winner. Short and sweet, really less than 6m listed, so as not to stretch young attention spans, and manages to convey a great deal of information in the fun process. 

Thanks #NetGalley and #MacmillanAudio - #MacmillanYoungListeners as well as #RoaringBrookBooks for making this fun learning experience available. Now, if those fluffy things in the sky would just take the rain elsewhere for a bit.

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