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Thursday, June 1, 2023

Nerdy Babies: Rocks, by Emmy Kastner


Children's Audio  6m 49s

I envisioned a scene with lots of rocks, rocks of all kinds, being passed around as the narration played. This one seemed a bit heavy on the big words, words many only learned in science class like sedimentary and metamorphic, so does seem to require a bit more hands-on, which can spur comparison for likes and differences, texture, and such. Obviously this one isn't aimed at babies, so I'm assuming the target audience is more kindergarten or early elementary although, quite frankly, some of the material and details could serve as a great refreshed for just about any age. 

I absolutely love the narration, which utilizes children's voices to ask questions and inject comments. That should make it all the more relatable to young listeners. We all like to hear/see someone who reminds us of ourselves. The book also emphasizes that it's good to ask questions. To be curious. That's how we learn, so a good thing to emphasize. Who knows, some budding scientists may be inspired by this book/series. Thanks #NetGalley #MacmillanAudio #MacmillanYoungListeners and #RoaringBrookPress for this delightful series. It's nice to be taken back to that childhood stage or wonder.

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