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Thursday, June 29, 2023

Little Tree and the Wood Wide Web, by Lucy Brownridge, Hannah Abbo (Illustrator)


Publication Sept. 5, 2023

We're all interconnected, even trees. Although I've actually read a few things on this topic, it was interested to see this idea being set forth for children in such an interesting, easy to understant way. I couldn't help glancing out my own window and wondering what my spruce and birch trees might be talking about, so to speak, as I sat all nice and cozy in my warm home. I know I shed a tear or two when storm damage took down one of my majestic spruce trees, so I pondered what messages it may have been sending to its fellow trees as it ended its life.

I won't try to explain how trees communicate and collaborate since the author, a professor of Forest Ecology in Canada, does such an excellent job making it understandable to all ages. Well, okay, maybe with adult assistance for younger readers but you get my drift. Bottom line, a tree-in-need puts out a call through the web. No, not the World Wide web. The Wood Wide Web. It's all rather fascinating, actually. 

More importantly, while teaching how trees communicate and help each other, Brownridge subtly sends the message of the importance of human interaction and collaboration. It's even noted that when Little Tree was finally healthy and able, she returned the favor Paper Birch did for her. It's all told with lovely illustrations, with what I'd dub saturated colors, darker than I'm used to in most children's books, showing the world in what appears to be the depths of a forest as well as the intertwined roots, ie web below. 

There should be ample learning moments inspired by the illustrations alone. How are the trees shown alike and different? What sounds might you hear in the forest? What animals might live there? What animals/things do you spy as you look at the pictures....and many more. Thanks #NetGalley and #QuartoPublishingGroup - #IvyKids for taking me for a walk in the forest. We really are never alone, a good thing to remember.

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