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Friday, April 22, 2022

Playing With Myself, by Randy Rainbow

Which one of these is Randy Rainbow? The overweight, introverted child wearing a cartoon t-shirt? The boy being bullied in the school yard? The child hiding in his room to avoid his father's anger? The star of many a school musical? The boy who spent most date nights with his grandmother? The boy who would eventually count the legendary Stephen Sondheim as a friend? The one who cried when his cat had to be put to sleep? The multi-talented star of many a viral video?

If you said all of the above, you are right. Randy Rainbow is all of these and more. I came to this book as a fan of his viral videos expecting a light but intriguing look at his rise to video stardom but came away with far more respect for him than I could have imagined. His story manages to be both humorous and sadly enlightening for those of us who never had to walk in his shoes or, this being Randy, ruby slippers.

Randy Rainbow is his real name, btw. If you are at all familiar with his work you are likely familiar with the that he portrays in his videos, the heightened, campy persona that frequently breaks out in song. He writes like I'd imagine he'd talk. I found myself almost waiting him to break out in song somehow, never mind I was reading a print copy of "Playing With Myself". I found myself not only liking him but adoring his mother and grandmother. Apparently I share that with Carol Burnett, yes, that Carol Burnett.

Bottom line, I came to learn more about how Randy Rainbow makes his videos. I came away not only with a good idea of how that happens but a genuine respect and liking for the man behind the pink eyeglasses. "Playing With Myself" is a winner, especially for someone who claims not to be terribly political and even, no lie, compares his father to Donald Trump's personality.  

Thank you #NetGalley and #StMartinsPress for this wonderful introduction to this multi-talented man.

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