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Monday, April 18, 2022

The Genius Kid's Guide to Dogs, by Merriam Garcia

Publication Sept. 6, 2022

I don't know that this will make your kid a genius but it will definitely provide them with solid information on a wide variety of dog breeds, their characteristics, and traits. Since I'm owned by a corgi mix, I opted to use that breed as an example. While my girl is a mix, she seems to fit nicely within the Cardigan Welsh Corgi guidelines. One thing it mentions that I'd noticed but hadn't realized was a breed trait was that they tend to have bowed legs, hence their feet point outward. I'd just thought it was some quirk of my own dog. Cool.

This book won't tell you everything there is about every dog breed in existence but is a nice addition to any library, child or adult. It will tell you what the breed is known for, where it originated, and, among others, special considerations. I found those particularly useful as that included energy levels, ie amount of exercise needed daily, herding tendencies, whether they are shedding machines, and inclination to gain weight. I was definitely interested in that aspect. There is more, such as a short list of other target audience level books, and index, and photo credits for the lovely photos used as illustration. You won't learn everything there is to know about dogs from this book but it provides a solid foundation. One to add to the shelf. Adults may find it sparse on detail but for the targeted audience, works nicely.

Thank you #NetGalley and #NorthStarEditions - #NorthStarKids for allowing me a sneak peek. I love the cover and even learned something about my own dog!

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