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Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Peril at Pennington Manor, by Tracy Gardner

It's probably rather telling about the excitement level near the end of the book as just as the culprit was nearly in hand, oh, so close, I uttered a long drawn out "Daisy, noooo!" when my dog decided she absolutely, positively had to go outside right that second. No negotiating. Just as main character Avery's Halston demands his ear scratches and chance to fetch something, a dog's demands are not to be denied. It was then I realized I was loving this book, one I'd once thought was sorta slow in the beginning.

I won't detail the plot as others will do a far better job at that than I can but will say that the twists and turns and large cast of suspects, everything ultimately made sense. Toss in a gorgeous setting, intriguing family dynamics, including on Avery's part, hidden passageways, secrets, disappearing priceless art pieces, and even training for a marathon and you have a winner. Even Avery's romantic prospects are looking up as she has two fine contestants for her heart as the story opens. Which will she choose and why? What upset her sister Tilly enough to cause her to spend a considerable sum to fly home across and ocean earlier than expected? What is Art's story? And....cats? Has the new mama cat found a forever home and safety for her babes? Finally, who did it?

This book stands alone nicely with intriguing regular characters and places. I'm not familiar with antiques nor do I have much interest in them, to be honest, but found the history of the pieces in question fascinating. Even better, the author shows how much certain pieces mean to their owner, no matter how valuable they may be. Heck, I even learned a bit about how one can often tell an authentic piece from a replica, not that it's always easy or quick. Hmm, I think I'll go check my jewelry box. While I'm busy dreaming, enjoy this book. It's a winner.  

Thanks to #NetGalley and #CrookedLaneBooks for the ARC. Loved it!

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