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Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Dogs Next Door, by Patricia Carlin

 Publication October 8, 2024

While I've got to admit to being fuzzy on what message I was supposed to be taking away from this story, it was still a cute book and one that dog crazy kids should enjoy. Heck, I'm not even sure the message isn't that every book doesn't have to beat us over the head with a serious message. That said, when I sat down to think about it, I did come away with several ideas. One, that no one is all good or bad. Two, to be open to new experiences. And, three, just because someone/thing is different from us doesn't mean that it's bad. Or, well, your guess is as good as mine.

In any case, part of the fun of this book is the almost quick sketch style illustrations. I was finding new things to see every time I went through the book, meaning children can have fun spying different things, too. Like, what is the oddest thing in the dogs' house? Or, compare the beginning pix of the homes to the ending illustration of the dogs' newest home. I got a real kick outta that one but not telling. You'll just have to read the book to see why. The only thing I didn't particularly like was when the girl sneaked into the dogs' home when no one was home. Hopefully adult readers can lead their child to come to the conclusion that this wasn't a good idea, either, although, no worries, it has a happy ending. 

Bottom line, despite the vague/fuzzy message, it was a fun book to go through, especially as I fully took in all that the various illustrations had to offer. Thus the 3.5 rounded to a 4 star. Thanks #NetGalley and #MarblePress for sharing this early look at "The Dogs Next Door",

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