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Monday, December 20, 2021

Organizing for the Rest of Us: 100 Realistic Strategies to Keep Any House Under Control, by Dana K. White

Would it surprise you to read that I've spent some serious time following the tips Dana White share on how to get your house clean and organized. We've all felt overwhelmed by our home's clutter, dust, and general lack of organization at some point. Based on my own experience utilizing not just White's tips but the encouragement she gives throughout, this book should be on the bookshelf of everyone who has ever looked at their house and wondered where to start. She has the answers and they start with clutter. Daily chores and actual cleaning come after.

"Decluttering has to happen for a house to look clean, stay clean, and be clean."

Clutter is anything that gets out of hand. While many of us suffer from what White calls "procrasticlutter", basically the idea that we'll worry about it later, she addresses that and points out that the next two steps toward an orderly house can't happen until our clutter is out of the way. Of course, she tells us sympathetically how to go about that task, reminding us basically that what we're doing isn't a simple project with a beginning and end. Keeping out homes clean is an ongoing one with daily and routine chores that need doing. Those daily tasks, the dishes, cleaning up after the children or pets, putting things away have to be done regularly, sorry. Only then can we thoroughly tackle the third step in her organization plan, the actual cleaning.

Don't worry, White walks us through the entire process, offering personal insights and encouragement almost like she's looking over our shoulders. Not only did I see myself in her descriptive, informative, and, yes, helpful book, but I liked it. I'm betting that if you're like me and you've allowed things to pile up, ignoring daily chores, and groaning in frustration that for some reason you just can't keep your house clean, you'll benefit from this book. Okay, back to decluttering for me.

Thank you #NetGalley and #ThomasNelson for the ARC (not to mention for giving me motivation via this book to get my act together). 

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