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Friday, June 14, 2024

Puzzling Pizzas (Cozy Corgi Mysteries Book 33), by Mildred Abbott


As always, a fun, relatively quick read, albeit it seemed a bit scattered at times. We seem to zig and zag from Fred's inner demons, to Halloween decor, questioning suspects, and dining out, to the alternately cranky, treat driven Watson's growing friendship with Susan. Given his propensity to sense when to abandon his other dominate traits and show his loving, soothing side to stressed humans, I'm not sure if we should see this as signs of tough-as-nails Susan eventually cracking or just that her iron woman mask is simply slipping a bit. 

The story is cozy, too, with friends and family popping in and out, the over-the-top decorations for the holiday, and even one restaurant owner a bit jealous that his business hasn't been the scene of a crime yet. Hey, this is Fred's world, where she's seen as a murder solving celebrity and being associated with her is a perk. True, not everyone sees it that way, of course. I wonder how many homes and businesses Fred is now banned from for her intrusive style? There's a sense of paranoia to Fred, too, much of it revealed in her sessions with a counselor recommended by fellow corgi owner Paulie. The sense of looking over her shoulder constantly for Branson or the Irons Family has left its mark. To be honest, I was tired of that thread some books ago but obviously others relish the foreboding atmosphere that possibility creates. All this during Halloween season, no less, although Watson's running battle with the bewitching, battery-operated cat-in-a-box add humor. 

As for the murder, this time Fred actually sees the victim die. Of course, Fred being Fred, she seems to almost immediately sense that this is no mere drunken accident. It's murder. She even seems to know how it was done quite quickly. More amazingly, Susan listens to her. Watson is obviously having an effect on her. Grin. So, who killed Brian? Was he even the intended victim? This obviously wasn't how the charity event was supposed to end. Fred would like nothing better than the guilty party to be her obnoxious ex-husband, who she remains sure is connected to Branson. But, hey, we not only have another wedding to look forward to but a potential big events. What? Nope. Not telling. Read the book. Grin. Seriously, it's a fun read, with lots of characters that come and go but Fred and Watson, as always, remain at the center. Susan was rather prominent this time, too, as he character is emerging more each book. You're in for a treat. There are even recipes to create your own edible treats if you wish.

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