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Monday, April 24, 2023

Mischief Nights are Murder (A Poppy McAllister Mystery #8), by Libby Klein


Publication July 25,2023

Welcome to the frequently chaotic world of Poppy McAllister and the wacky guests at her B&B. It's always a fun ride when you're with Poppy, full of laugh-out-loud scenes and characters who are, well, characters. Even boyfriend Gia, full name Giampaola, comes with a family that largely dislikes Poppy, especially his hot-headed mother. Even her own head cook/chef calls her names. And we haven't even gotten to this episode's guest who wears a metal colander on his head or the ghost hunters who seem to be everywhere, including outside Poppy's door when she's trying to sleep.

This is such a fun series. Libby Klein is a master at creating laugh-out-loud scenes and nutsy characters you'll like, even while rolling your eyes at their antics. Toss Halloween into the mix and you've got the scene for some wild antics and adventures. And, oh, a murder. Who killed one of Poppy's B&B guests? Quite frankly, I was half beginning to think we had a Christie Orient Express situation going because all the suspects seemed to have jolly good reason to have offed the philandering victim. Figaro the cat seemed to know more than Poppy, to be honest, when it came to solving that crime. BTW, Figaro is the name of  the author's own cat. 

As for the paranormal crew, which somehow seems an awkward adjective to describe them, will they discover Poppy's B&B isn't just a murder magnet ... or is that Poppy ... and discover a real ghost. Er, right. Another weird adjective choice. Is there such a thing as real and unreal ghosts? What secrets does the B&B hide? Will Figaro ever stop secreting objects he's "found"? And, who is vandalizing Poppy's Halloween decorations, most of which just seem to appear magically. Ghosts at work? And, whoa, what's behind the absolutely hilarious tale of Kenny's youthful misadventures? 

What...oh, never mind. There is so much going on in this book, much of it humorous but with more than a touch of romance, that teasers just don't do it credit. If you want to read a fun mystery with just the right mix of mystery, romance, wacky characters, and humor, this one's for you. Thank you #NetGalley and KensingtonBooks - #KensingtonCozies for giving me just the right dose of humor and mystery to make my day. Speaking of teasers, oh, that ending....

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