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Saturday, May 28, 2022

Old Farts on a Bus, by C. A. Hocking


Can you guess why I picked up this book to read? You've got to admit, that title is intriguing. In the back of my mind I was probably thinking senior citizen mystery or something akin to that given that it popped up in the midst of blurbs for cozy mysteries. Instead, it's the author's remembrance of a guided tour she (and her husband) made to Egypt. It was both humorous and insightful into both the joys and angst of "old fart" travel and guided tours. I've never been on a true guided tour but it did bring back memories of taking advantage of cruise ship excursions, riding a bus with a driver whose stories to entertain us were memorable, and rubbing elbows with until then total strangers. The author, who does write mysteries, I later discovered, does a fun job of showing both the joys and angst of such trips, not glossing over the added difficulties of age on travelers. 

There were lots of laughs but also moments of sadness as the travelers adjusted to the behavior of an Alzheimer diminished fellow traveler and the foibles of each other. Having dealt with that horrid disease in my own family, I felt sympathy pangs for the duo involved. The group also learned not to drink the water in Egypt. Oh, boy, did they. The author's tale of her plane ride home was, well, rather a stark reminder of what happens when you forget that caution. Along the way, however, she backed up my belief that photos are perhaps best left to point-and-shoot cameras that do it all for you, and the need to read the "instructions" usually provided on what to wear and pack. Let's just say, as one of their group discovered to her dismay, Egypt is not the place to worry about showing off fancy heels. 

Bottom line, a fun, quick read with both laughs and moments of worry and concern. A sense of family developed between tour group members and it was reassuring to see them rise to any occasion and help in dire situations just as much as they learned what made each other behave as they did. And, oh, did I mention the shopping? I'm not particularly into shopping but I'd have loved to have seen the colors and swirl and movement so often described. You'll even learn a bit about the fine art of haggling down prices.  If you're looking for a fun, quick read that has some depth, not to mention a lovely virtual tour of Egypt, give this one a try.

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