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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Death by Beach Read (Lighthouse Library Mystery #9), by Eva Gates, Elise Arsenault (Narrator) Audio book


Audio   8 h 48 m duration

This is the first time I've listened to an audio of a book I've previously read and, since I thoroughly enjoyed the book, it's no surprise that the audio version is a winner, too. Narrator Elise Arsenault has a pleasant voice that fits the character of librarian Lucy well. She does a good job changing her voice to make a distinction between characters without missing a beat and each time the voice fit the character nicely. One of the things I noted was how she matched the rapid heartbeat pace when anxious at one point, a small but deft touch.

It's little things like that which make the difference between a good experience and a great one. Kudos to Arsenault for that masterful touch. The pacing was smooth and her tones matched the descriptive sections, whether happy or unnerved or, for that matter, simply impatient without disrupting the flow. Chapter changes were noted with a simple "Chapter 2" or whatever. Bottom line, an excellent job.

As for the plot itself, having reviewed it earlier I'll simply say, one, a plot synopsis is easily found elsewhere and, two. the conclusion was both satisfying and saddening. Youthful misadventures do change lives. Lucy still annoys me with her tendency to not share information with those who need it most, the police, or even Connor, but she's likable, as are her friends and family. Even the neighbors are well-rounded and show the best of human nature....most of the time. And, let's not forget Charles the Library Cat. He's a character all to himself. Bottom line, both an excellent read and listen. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this audio version and felt like I actually picked up on some subtle things I'd missed in the reading, so it was a win all the way around. Give it a listen or read or, heck, both.

Thanks to #NetGalley and #DreamscapeMedia for letting me revisit Lucy's world and ponder whether ghosts really exist or should it be human nature we fear. #EvaGates is a favorite author, so looking forward to what's next from her. 

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