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Sunday, November 5, 2023

William Tecumseh Sherman: In the Service of My Country, by James Lee McDonough

 Another oldie  from my Facebook rambling on books. Nov. 2016

"Not exactly an escape from politics as it obviously has lots of that in it, but reading a big ol' book called "William Tecumseh Sherman: In the Service of My Country". Big book, some 700-800 pages, but so far has been a pretty good read so I'm persevering."
"Interesting to see how many ties Sherman had to the South himself, including admiring a little town in GA named Marthasville, which seems to have eventually become a much bigger town named Atlanta and we all know Sherman's connection to Atlanta. Have learned tons about him, some of the politics of the day, including the role the inability to compromise played, and that he worked as a banker in CA and NY prior to the Civil War at a time when his own marriage was having issues. And I'm not even up to the war yet."
The next day I added: "While I'm on my history kick, one of the things it mentions in the Sherman book I'm reading that's totally unrelated to politics or war is that the man visited Niagra Falls several times and found it fascinating. I liked that little peek into a long dead guy's soul."
Current add: I was obviously seriously into my history kick, probably reading Civil War related books. I certainly don't recall all the details aside from his father being a fan of Tecumseh, at least I think that was the story about the middle name. Someone who definitely touched our nations survival and evolution, that's for sure. 

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