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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Murder at a Scottish Castle (Scottish Shire Mystery #5 ), by Traci Hall


Publication Jan. 23, 2024

How does one cheat in a bagpipe contest?

Actually, the answer turned out to be fairly fascinating. Who knew? Definitely not me. Heck, even most of those gathered at the contest or even involved didn't really know. That question, of course, is important to find the answer to when the man accused of cheating die during said contest. Was it accidental? Did someone kill him? If so, how? He was in plain view of spectators on the castle grounds and, in fact, the focus of attention when he collapsed. 

Like the rest, Paislee is curious but only allows herself to be fully pulled into investigating when the Dowager Countess asks her to find answers. True, that gives Paislee a minor thrill being able to tell someone honestly that she's having lunch at "the castle" but it's a puzzle. Even worse, she has her own worries to deal with. After an unexpected personal catastrophe, Paislee is feeling overwhelmed but, thank goodness, best friend Lydia steps in to help. Grandpa is there for her, too, and son Brody is proving to be fairly reliable but, well, though he walks their feisty Scottish terrier William, he's still at the age when fun rules over brains occasionally. In other words, normal almost-teen.

You'll like the characters, who seem like genuine people. We all need friends like Lydia, always there when needed. Even better, she knows things and people and is there with a plan. The aristocratic Grant family is, well, born to the title, but tend to come off well, revealing both strengths and weaknesses, not to mention grievances. Well, if Robert could only tone down his aristocratic manner. And, oh, yes, there's even some romance in the air, though all does not flow smoothly. Paislee still feels uneasy about dealing with DI Zeffer. He does seem to be taking her more seriously this go-round, however. They do seem to work well together despite the...friction? Is that friction or attraction? We shall see, we shall see. Change is in the air. 

Bottom line, a fun, relatively quick read that'll teach you a great deal about the art of bagpipes in the process. Both playing and constructing them. You'll meet some interesting characters and be left wondering how much family pride guides many. Thanks #NetGalley and #KensingtonBooks - #KensingtonCozies for inviting me to tag along to lunch at the castle and the bagpipe contest, not to mention check out Paislee's latest knit fashions. Cashmere! Love cashmere.

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