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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Enough Already: Learning to Love the Way I Am Today, by Valerie Vertinelli

I see myself in Valerie Bertinelli. We're of the same generation and, of course, I watched her grow up in front of my eyes. I wasn't expecting such raw honesty from her in "Enough Already" and at times it felt like she was speaking directly to me. Like her, I've always tried to control things, seeing that as a way to please others. I, too, saw my parents into their Golden Years and beyond and have lost others I've loved. Also, like her, there's that dang perpetual ten pounds I'd love to lose but, well, unlike her it's never dominated my life since I didn't have to answer to a camera lens that showed all faults. Bertinelli is a brave woman to have bared her soul here, including the death of the love of her life, Eddie Van Halen. Cancer sucks.

As noted above, so many things in this book spoke to my heart. If you've ever doubted yourself, ever felt you weren't enough, weren't doing enough, or simply failed to enjoy the small things in life that are, in the grand scheme of things, you will perhaps feel the same. I was also reminded in her discussion of where her family came from that we are probably distant cousins through Claypoole family tie s. Maybe that is part of why I felt such empathy with her as the book progressed and I knew it was getting closer and closer to the point where she'd lose Eddie. who knows? Again, in the grand scheme of things, irrelevant, but little things like that help bring us all together. Let's all heed her suggestion that we stop wasting time and learn to love ourselves and get on with embracing the joys of everyday life. Thank you, my maybe distant cousin for those words of wisdom.

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