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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Puzzles, Purrs & Murder (Dickens & Christie #10). by Kathy Manos Penn


Available early June, 2024

I found myself deliberately slowing down my reading pace about mid-way as I didn't want the story to end. And, oh, my, what a great ending it was. Regular readers of this series will love it, but never fear. The book is an excellent standalone, so don't hesitate to jump in. You'll enjoy the easy, comfortable interactions between the characters, especially Leta and the LOL (Little Old Ladies) as her sleuthing friends were dubbed, as well as the developing relationship between Leta and Dave. You'll also get a chuckle from the antics of Christie and Dickens, the talking cat and dog. As odd as that may sound, it's simply part of the whole and blends in smoothly, adding a bit of whimsy to the book, not to mention some occasionally helpful sleuthing hints. Their personalities are strong and definitely make them full characters in the story. I'm pretty sure I don't want to know what my Daisy dog might have to say but it's a fun twist to the plots.

I won't give away the plot but it utilizes Leta's business background and skills, not to mention Myers-Briggs personality typing. I'm more familiar with it in the educational setting but it was fun to refresh my memory, especially since there's a summary (as well as a cast list) at the end with quick takes on what each type may mean. If you aren't familiar with this tool, never fear. Enough info is given to allow you to grasp what is being said and why it might be relevant. It can also be just plain fun to try to sort out what category you fall into. The team building activities also play a role, not only helping flesh out characters but in moving the story along and setting up a twisty scene.

Interestingly enough, given the focus on teams and unity, Leta's usual circle of support is sparse this go-round. Not only is Dave in Connecticut helping his mother ready for a move, but two members of the LOL group are also away. That leaves Leta and Wendy to try to solve the murder of architect Rick. I bet long term readers can guess who finds the body. As it turns out, there are several suspects, albeit none of them seem likely. Will Leta and Wendy be able to sort it all out? Will Leta find herself in danger once again? And, uh, oh, could Dave be tempted by a long-ago girlfriend? And, with DI Gemma largely away due to illness, will Jonas be agreeable to outside help? And, oh, enough teasers. Let's just say, there's more. Much more. My thanks to the author for sharing this installment with me. Needless to say, I'm already looking forward to the next in the series. I mean, Leta and Wendy? Authors? Between the ending and this fun adventure to come, I'm ready.

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