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Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Death at the Abbey, by Jan Durham

A man is dead. Murdered. Main character Liz McLuckie finds the body. Why was the body wet with briny water, not to mention why was there a fish in his pocket? How did a drowned person wind up being found high above the nearest body of water? What was his connection to the other town citizens? What secrets lurk behind the closed doors of picturesque Whitby?  

I found the story line, the hook, if you will, intriguing. How does a missing religious relic play into the whole? Liz is beginning to feel open to people and new experiences five years after her husband's death, Although of retirement age, Liz is definitely energetic and even handy with tools. Her friend's personalities didn't seem fully characterized, normal in a first book in a series, but intriguing. Liz's constant companion, however, is Nelson, a brave, and protective bull terrier she adopted. Nelson was the star of the book as far as I was concerned but, well, I'm a sucker for dog characters anyway.

Bottom line, although I found it slow paced at first, once I caught on to the rhythm of the story line, I began to enjoy the book more and more. The pace definitely picks up as Liz begins to encounter more and more clues, which seems to irritate the local detective, DI Flint, putting herself in danger. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

Thanks to NetGalley and Inkubator Books for introducing me to Liz and Nelson. I'm looking forward to spending some more time with them as I get to know Whitby.

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