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Monday, September 23, 2024

Deader Than a Wet Hen (A Dixie French Mystery Book 2), by Ella Duke


Publication October 8, 2024

I like Dixie and Miriam but, man, they are not very good detectives. They're way too obvious and, especially in Dixie's case, way too direct in their questioning. Dixie can get away with a certain amount of curiosity due to her relatively newcomer in town status but that may be dwindling. That said, it really doesn't matter, They are likable with hearts of gold, even if bumbling into situations at times they are unable to handle alone. Fortunately, police officer/friend Toni tends to have their backs while, at the same time, practically begging them to stay out of the investigation. Their disregard or blindness to this aspect of the situation, one where the police chief is riding Toni's back with threats of demotion and such, is one thing I don't like about them. That said, they did seem better at trying to convey information they stumble across to Toni in a more timely matter this go-round. Never mind that their idea of timely and Toni's may not exactly jibe. 

There are lots of laughs, most at the misguided efforts of Dixie and Miriam to investigate. I mean, being caught staring at suspicious (to them) customers in Twin Perks, the local coffee shop, and then tailing them in a flashy, bright colored vehicle isn't exactly subtle. Kudos to the prey, er, suspects, for how they elude them without much effort, however. So, who did kill home-town fishing tournament hero Greg Cole? Are tournaments really that cut-throat? Well, after reading of the prizes, maybe. Greg has friends and supporters in town, some long-time friends, but his ex-wife obviously isn't among his cheerleaders. Could she have killed him? And, hey, what about the duo Dixie and Miriam dubbed suspicious? What connection did they have to the ex-wife? You'll even learn how some contestants attempt to cheat in the tournament, one tactic I've seen used even here in Alaska. Did the location of the murder have anything to do with anything? I mean, a waterfall (inspired by a real one, btw) that could only be reached by boat? Does that narrow the list of suspects? Will DIxie and Miriam manage to survive their sleuthing without getting Toni demoted or even, yikes, fired? 

And, oh, never mind. Enough teasers. Despite the fact that I frequently found myself going "No! Don't do it!" in my head at their impulses, I thorough enjoyed my time with Dixie and Miriam. I mean, after all, I'm reasonably safe since it's only a virtual visit, right? Thanks #BookSirens and #EllaDuke for introducing me to Dixie and Miriam's world, frustrating as it may be at times watching them in action. Bring on the next adventure!

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