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Saturday, March 18, 2023

Starter Dog: My Path to Joy, Belonging and Loving This World, by Rona Maynard

Combo review for ebook and audio (8 hrs.   Narrated by author)

Rona Maynard doesn't know it, but we're kindred souls. Kindred dog people. Kindred souls who found their best selves "after dog". Unlike Maynard, true, I grew up around dogs. Heck, I grew up on a farm. There were always dogs, not to mention cats, sheep, calves, and assorted ducks and rabbits. Due to the circumstances of life, however, aside from my horses, the dogs were always the family dogs. Never dependent or particularly attached to me. That changed after my parents' deaths, when a teacher friend convinced me I needed a dog. I got one. A husky/collie mix. That dog ultimately lead me to Alaska. Long story. I'm currently owned by a diva dog corgi mix, the Daisy of my book review blog. through her I've become part of my neighborhood, enjoying the not always quiet walks in Alaska, and admitting that my life isn't my own. It's better, fuller, just as Maynard has learned.

I won't detail this story of finding one's life through a dog's unconditional love and zest for living. Dog owners, oh, who am I kidding, people owned by a dog (or any pet, for that matter) know what I mean. Maynard, like me, found many reasons to resist a dog. One of my roll my eyes as I chuckle moments was when she admits that even when finally giving in to her husband's desire for a rescue dog was to declare, basically, okay, but it can't get on the bed. Bet you know how that turned out. I've also got to admit, that I much appreciated her letting readers know the "dog doesn't die" in this book, something that tends to make me wary of any specific dog focused books. Thanks, Rona. Casey has taught you well. 

I was lucky enough to get both the audio and ebook to review. Read by Maynard, the audio book had me smiling from the beginning. While I flipped back and forth from audio to ebook, there is something about hearing a personal story of growth from that person. After thought, I decided that dog person that I am, I would have been just as sucked in by the written words as the audio had I only had it to go on, so I highly recommend both/either. 

Just as anyone who has ever walked a dog quickly learns that they won't be hurried to "do their business", the story pace is leisurely. Maynard spends some time revealing her pre-dog self, which was when I began to see much of myself in her, and then allows us to see how one not-so-well-behaved dog changed her for the better. 

Thank you #NetGalley and #ECWPressAudio -#ECWPress for introducing me to #RonaMaynard and her very good dog. My Daisy sends a slurpy kiss and gives this a four paws and a tail wag rating.

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