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Saturday, February 4, 2023

Good Dog, Bad Cop, The K Team #4, by David Rosenfelt AUDIOBOOK


Available March 14,2023   Narrated by Fred Berman    7 hours

Early in the book, main character Corey Douglas notes that while he'll follow the facts, he's hardly impartial. I feel the same way reading, or in this case listening to one of David Rosenfelt's books. I'll set everything else aside that I'm reading for one of them. Even while some of the crimes boggle my mind, it's always been worth every minute of reading or listening.

I'm always intrigued, in particular, when I listen to a book I've already read as an ebook to discover things I've missed. In this case, Fred Berman's narration does an excellent job of reinforcing the worn, often gravelly sounding voice of Corey Douglas, a retired cop, now investigator, who has seen horrible things. It also shows a subtle change when he speaks of Simon, his also retired canine police dog, and girlfriend Dani. I was definitely impressed by how well Berman handled the female voices in the story, at one point being just sure they'd brought in a woman to edit in for Laurie and Dani. Nope, all Berman. Kudos, Fred Berman.

I'll add my original review of the book at the end rather than ramble on about the plot here. Heck, anyone familiar with Rosenfelt's crime depictions knows they almost defy being briefly summarized anyway. Think the world is in danger and only Corey, or Andy Carpenter in that series, stands in the way of total chaos and destruction. Somehow, it all makes sense at the end, usually when it's explained how they figured everything out.

Another thing listening reminded me of is, as much as I enjoy the humor of these books, it's the characters that keep me coming back. Corey is emerging as a strong force in his own right, with his own smart a$$ humor and issues. Girlfriend Dani, as emphasized at the end, is behind him all the way, sweetly asking at the end what "their" next case is, which I'd also glossed over while reading. In other words, if you're like me, listening to an audio of a book you've already read simply adds to the experience. 

Thanks #NetGalley and #MacmillanAudio for allowing me to get to know Corey, Dani, and, of course, Simon better with each book. 

My review of the ebook version follows below...

I've been a fan of David Rosenfelt's books ever since I picked up the first one with a photo of a beautiful dog on the cover. That love affair continues with his K-Team series. A spin-off from the Andy Carpenter series, it features many of the same characters but with the focus on retired cop Corey Douglas and his also retired police dog Simon, no, make that Simon Garfunkel. Simon is a star in his own right. 

While Corey doesn't have the same rapid fire, often in your face humor as Andy, his own humor is just as smart a$$ at times. That's very evident as the book nears its end and he confronts not just the bad guys but the government guys called in to cart away the guilty. Actually, we get to know Corey better and better with each book and it was fun to see the human side as well as the smart investigator determined to right wrongs. His relationship with girlfriend Dani is evolving and although he is determined not to rock the boat, the "M" word as he keeps calling it in his mind seems to be occupying more and more space. Just as Andy tends to talk things out with his beloved Golden Retriever Tara, Corey has lengthy discussions with Simon but, like Tara, Simon is one of those good listeners who offer no advice. True, he probably thinks his human is the slowest thing ever when Corey decides to take up running with Simon, but since Corey, so to speak, controls the treats, Simon tolerates him. So does Dani, who is easy to like. 

Bottom line, although Rosenfelt always seems to toss in some complicated scheme that they wind up investigating, often involving national consequences and the Feds, for me it's always the characters that draw me back, both human and canine. Well, that and team member and surely Superman in disguise Marcus' amazing feats. Sam's a wizard at the computer (think master hacker disguised as mild-mannered accountant) and Laurie, team member and Andy's wife, is no slouch with a gun, as she demonstrates in this book, but they all marvel at Marcus. 

Like dogs? Like action packed thrillers? Humor?  Like interesting characters that will grow on you? Curious about how investigators work? Ever wanted to save the world? This one is for you. Lots of thrills and fun along the way, not to mention solutions that will make you wonder how the heck author David Rosenfelt comes up with this stuff. 

Thanks #NetGalley and #StMartinsPress - #MinotaurBooks for letting me rub elbows with this amazing team (and their dogs) again. 5 stars from me and four paws up and a tail wag from my own furry wonder, Daisy.

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