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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

A Spirited Blend, by Lauren Elliott


Publication March 25, 2025

How would you like to discover you had magical powers as a full-grown adult? Let me rephrase that. How would you like to be a witch but with no real knowledge or control over your supposed powers? That's the situation in which Shay Myers finds herself. You have powers that can change lives, yours included, but no idea how to utilize them safely. Although she has had some time over the course of the series to learn certain skills, it certainly hasn't changed her life for the better. So much for all that simple twitch of the nose and all is well stuff with Samantha in "Bewitched".

In fact, her magic has made her life, if anything, more complicated and, yes, dangerous. Like, who are these people who keep showing up claiming a possible relationship to her family? Just as troubling, why is her former husband in town? What is he up to with his new wife? Why is Shay so spooked when a woman shows up claiming kinship? Surely it isn't a good omen for Shay that the woman later turns up dead, her body arranged in a ritualistic way? What's going on with the former supposed friend now in such a nasty competition with Shay's shop? Toss in the erratic relationship Shay has with Liam, who really annoyed me most of this go-round, and Shay has a great deal to deal with. Never mind that Liam's Gran keeps reassuring her things will work out. Shay obviously isn't a super patient person, especially since Liam keeps coming to Shay asking for romantic advice for his interest in other women. Oh, grrr....

On the plus side, Gran and Shay's spirit dog, well, Spirit, have her back as does, when push comes to shove, Liam. Hang on for that cliff-hanger of a life changing event near the end. The characters, even some of those that might annoy you early on, are well-developed and seem to mesh well, making you root for Shay all the more. Despite me frequent annoyance at Liam, just way too much venting over him this go-round, I fully enjoyed the read. Shay's own self-doubts make her all the more human, making it all the easier to root for her. There's even bits of good ol' fashioned Irish folklore/myth for good measure, making for an intriguing read. Thanks #KensingtonPublishing - #KensingtonCozies for the magical early virtual peek at Shay's world. I'm looking forward to seeing where that ending is going to take us next visit.

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