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Thursday, August 25, 2022

Murder for Good Measure, by Devon Delaney


Publication Sept. 13, 2022

This one will make you hungry. Lots of food talk and you'll learn a bit about cooking contests, too. There are also some hints (the author is a well-known winner of quite a few of these very contests) on how contestants prepare for them beforehand, not to mention some hints on how best to present yourself in front of judges. And, oh, yeah, there's a murder. There is also a phenomenal dog named Trooper, a new member of the K-9 Unit. These dogs are absolutely amazing.

Although at first I was thinking this was slow-going and the dialogue seemed a bit stilted at times, at some point I realized I was really getting into the mystery, relationships, characters, and all the tales of Irish legends, including pookas, the wee folks, and a Giant Baby. Gotta love Irish lore. There is even a mysterious book found in the attic to whet the appetite of us book lovers. We even get to see some amateur efforts to peel apart stuck pages. 

In between, Sherry Oliveri is dealing with the heartbreaking idea of her father selling the long-owned family store, walking the dog, neighbor Eileen diligently doing her neighborhood watch, another neighbor running into her brand new mailbox, and trying to find evidence to prove Angel, her brother's food truck sous chef didn't kill another neighbor's nanny, Cara. Oh, and clocks and pictures falling mysteriously off the walls at her dad's shop.

So, who killed Cara? I'm not telling but it was a fascinating tale, zipping comfortably between everyday life and Irish lore. There's even a modern-day twist, so to speak, at the end, so be prepared. And, it goes without saying that you should have plenty of goodies on hand to munch on as you read. Like me, you will suddenly find yourself fully invested in the book, I bet. 

Thanks #NetGally and #BeyondThePagePublishing for introducing me to Sherry and her family and friends, not to mention Trooper.

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