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Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Growing Up Biden, by Valerie Biden Owens

"It isn't easy raising an older brother."   

With those words, Valerie Biden Owens had me. I listened to most of the audio book while driving about and, thus, wasn't really taking notes aside from early on, but I think that circumstance was actually a plus. As it was, I listened, really listened to her words and took in what she was saying. I liked her. I've never met nor expect to meet her but feel like I know her now. Not only do I feel I know her, but she helped cement my gut instinct about that big brother, you know, who just happens to be President of the United States, that he's a genuinely nice guy. Don't get me wrong. No president is perfect but I came away from "Growing Up Biden" feeling like I had seen the human side of a genuinely good guy. In the process, we get to know Valerie and her family as well as the entire Biden family as people we might know and like.

Since I wasn't taking notes aside from the early going, I won't try to detail the entire memoir. The focus is on the family, I should note, although politics have certainly influenced the entire Biden family. Even behind the scenes, it wasn't easy. I don't think I ever knew Valerie Biden Owens was the first female to manage a presidential campaign, not to mention one of the first females to strategize and manage any campaign. She faced and met the challenge as she juggled a high pressure job with raising her own family. She's been with her brother from the beginning, from his early forays into politics through today. At some point, Valerie remembers that Joe said about her, "She's been my best friend since I was three years old." She remembers that they certainly disagreed occasionally but intuitively trusted each other.

I recall hearing about the eagle taking flight over one of President Biden's final campaign stops. What I didn't know was his sister's reaction as the first thought that came to her mind was that the late Beau Biden was keeping an eye on them. Human moments like that, which continue throughout the book, make this a special kind of memoir. It shares not only Owens' view of life as a Biden but how that life and the events shared have shaped not just them but have shaped the world. I wish I knew her. Heck, I wish I had known the entire family. Like any family they've had their share of ups and downs, joy and tragedy, but I found much to admire and relate to. Lovely book. Lovely family.

Thanks so much #NetGalley and #MacmillanAudio for giving me the opportunity to "meet" Valerie Biden Owens. I already admired her big brother. Now I want to give her a hug. 

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