Publication April 1, 1015
Although I'm not much of a coffee drinker, I thoroughly enjoy this series. In fact, it was one of the ones that made a cozy mystery fan out of me. It's been way too long since I've dropped into the Village Blend but I immediately felt right at home. It was lots of fun to be there for the birth, or should I say rebirth, of The Writer's Block Lounge, too, despite its early hiccups. Boy, everyone should have a retired astronaut handy to share ideas on how to make large groups under intense pressure work best. I'd say he fully earned that Golden Ticket and Madame's attentions. It was an added plus to learn some of the back history of the coffeehouse, too, while getting a feel for life in New York City. Heck, we even get to ogle some well-known celebrities virtually although I'm not sure I'd be as disciplined as Claire and have not snapped a few photos.
New readers, don't hesitate to jump in here. While it was nice to know backstories of character relationship, it works very well as a standalone. You'll settle in quickly, enjoying characters such as the animal loving, slam-poet Esther, and the rest of those associated with the Village Blend. Claire Cosi remains the hard-working, focused, and, oh, so determined woman I remembered and, well, Madame will always be Madame to me, too. Mother of Claire's ex-husband and now friend, Matt, Madame remains a force to be reckoned with. Despite my annoyance with Matt this go-round, he remains ready to head off on his next coffee bean recon trip, trips that usually provide more than a little rush of danger. I actually wondered if, despite my annoyance with what he was contemplating, he might just be growing up a bit more and thinking of the future, at least the financial future for Claire and his mother. I'll be paying attention to that possibility next book, that's for sure.
As for the plot, it's complicated. On the surface it appears to be an investigation into who mugged a coffeehouse regular but, oh, my, there are more layers. Many more layers, in fact. Oh, and there's a duck involved. Nope. Not telling. You'll have to read the book. Lots of twists and turns, red herrings galore, missing manuscripts, coded manuscripts, hit-and-runs, and, oh, yeah, murder. And that's just the surface. I'd like to smugly say I figured it all out but who am I kidding? I didn't know for sure until the final big reveal and that wasn't even the end of the book. Lots more reveals, let's just say. Toss in celebrity sightings, taxi rides past well-known landmarks that included The Heights, publishing woes, writers woes and egos, lots of quotes and lyrics, friends and family, and, oh, so much more. Thanks #Berkley for my virtual invite to finally revisit the Village Blend and renew my acquaintance with Claire and the rest. I'm definitely looking forward to spending time in The Writer's Block Lounge next visit, especially now that they've figured out how to make it work with such diverse, intensely creative customers.
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